Privacy & Cookies
BALORA SA informs you that in our effort to respect the privacy of all users, we have prepared this confidentiality policy for the use of data obtained through our Internet pages. This policy is reflected in the following rules, which may be periodically updated, so users must read them each time they access the site. You can freely and voluntarily decide if you want to provide information to BALORA SA, on the occasion of subscription or registration in any of the services and / or promotions offered through its various Internet sites. In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on Automated Data Processing ("LORTAD"), BALORA SA communicates the following considerations to users and visitors:
Type of information requested
When registering to receive our services, you will voluntarily provide the personal information requested in each case. You will also be asked for such information on other occasions, such as when you participate in promotions sponsored by BALORA SA
Purpose of data collection
The purpose of BALORA SA when collecting personal information from its users is to offer a service that is as personalized as possible. Thanks to this information, MINAS DE ALQUIFE S.L.U will be in a position to provide you with a better service, with content according to your needs and interests.
Confidentiality of information
BALORA SA will not reveal the personal data that may serve to identify you individually, including the information that links your username on the site with your real name, unless you have your express authorization, or when you was required by judicial or legal order, or to protect the rights of BALORA SA Specific agreements for acceptance of conditions by users, and rules for contests and promotions, may also include details on the sharing of information. BALORA SA may disclose global user statistics to describe our services to potential partners, advertisers and other third parties, or for other legitimate purposes. Entrepreneurs, sponsors and other partners who are accessed through the BALORA SA site, may have independent privacy and data collection practices. BALORA SA is not responsible for their policies or the use they make of the data. For more information about these policies, we recommend visiting their home page and selecting the link that leads to the page with information on this aspect.
Protection against third parties
BALORA SA has adopted data protection security measures and has installed all the technical instruments at its disposal to prevent the loss, improper use, alteration, unauthorized access or theft of the personal data provided to it. However, the user must be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable. The user accepts that BALORA SA will not be responsible for damages, of any nature, that may arise for himself or for third parties, derived directly or indirectly from the use of the site. Likewise, the Internet sites and services accessed through, may collect information about you by requesting it directly and have their own privacy and information gathering procedures, independent of those of BALORA SA has no responsibility for those independent actions or policies.
IP address registration
BALORA SA registers IP addresses. IP addresses are important to keep track of a user's session. This gives BALORA SA an idea of ​​which parts of our website are being visited by users. We do not establish links between IP addresses and any data that allows users to be personally identified. This means that even if your session is tracked, it will remain completely anonymous.
Sending promotional emails
BALORA SA may send you, if at any time you have provided your email address, information related to its Internet pages and other products and services that it considers may be of interest to you. You will always have the option to unsubscribe from the list, so you will no longer receive these kinds of messages.
Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data
In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, you have at all times the possibility of accessing the data that you have provided, modifying, eliminating or opposing them, for which you can contact them by email to
Acceptance of terms
If the user uses the services provided through the site, it means that they have read, understood and expressly accepted the terms set forth above. It will also be understood that each time the user accesses the site, they expressly accept the privacy regulations in force. If you do not agree with them, the user should not provide any personal information, or use the service because they are not authorized to do so.
Balora SA includes its policy for the collection and treatment of cookies, in compliance with the provisions of article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Company Services of Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE).
Cookies are stored on the user's terminal equipment (computer or mobile device) and collect information when visiting the website, in order to improve their usability, to know the browsing habits or needs of the users to be able to adapt to them, as well as obtain information for statistical purposes. In the case of those users who are already clients of the entity, the information collected with the cookies will also serve for their identification when accessing the different tools that the entity makes available to them for the management of services.
This Cookies Policy will be applicable to those users who voluntarily visit the entity's web pages, fill in data collection forms, access the tools that the entity makes available to its clients to manage its services, or use any other service present on the website that involves the communication of data to the entity, or access to data by the entity, for the provision of its services.
The entity informs users of its web pages of the existence of cookies and makes this Policy available to them in order to inform them about the use and purpose thereof. The fact of continuing browsing through its pages implies the knowledge and acceptance of this Policy by said users. BALORA SA uses the following types of cookies:
* Own cookies: sent and managed directly by the entity.
* Third-party cookies: sent and managed by a third party outside the entity, anonymously, in order to carry out statistical studies of navigation through the entity's web pages.
* Technical and / or personalization cookies: they facilitate navigation, by identifying the session, allowing access to restricted access tools, in addition to customizing the available options. They make it possible to provide the service previously requested by the user.
* Analysis and / or advertising cookies: they allow to know the number of visits received in the different sections of the web pages, the habits and trends of their users and consequently, to be able to improve the navigation and the service offered by the entity (fundamentally, Google Analytics), as well as managing the advertising spaces included in the website visited by the user. It collects data anonymously in order to obtain user browsing profiles.
* Session cookies: collect and store data while the user accesses the website.
* Persistent cookies: collect and store data in the user's terminal for a variable period of time depending on the purpose for which they have been used. The conservation time of cookies will depend on the type in question and will always be the minimum necessary to fulfill their purpose. In any case, users can configure their browser so that the reception of all or some of the cookies is disabled or blocked. The fact of not wishing to receive these cookies does not constitute an impediment to accessing the information on the entity's websites, although the use of some services may be limited. If once consent has been granted for the reception of cookies, it is desired to withdraw it, those stored on the user's computer must be eliminated, through the options of the different browsers. The way to configure the different browsers to exercise the actions indicated in the previous paragraphs can be consulted at:
* Explorer:
* Chrome: